Phimosis and excess foreskin
“Phimosis and excess foreskin can make glans exposure and local hygiene...
Does a man’s sexual life change at 40 years of age?
It is not a law of life, but after turning 40, a man may begin to feel that...
COVID-19 and the HIV Response
The COVID-19 pandemic was (and still is) a harsh burden on the ability to...
The four words that ensure good sex
Normalizing giving and receiving feedback is essential, according to...
Penis condition: early warning sign
Experts say the best measure of a man’s health is the amount of penile...
Different sexual needs as a couple, what should we do?
Sexual relations can be a vital part of a satisfying relationship. But what if...
10 health benefits of having frequent sex with your partner
If you thought that the only reason men enjoyed sex was then here is some...
16 things men want women to know about sex and intimacy
What exactly does a man want in a relationship and in bed? How good are you in...