sexual relations
January 5, 2020
sexual relations

How much should have sexual relations?

Average Rating is: 5

The ideal frequency for sexual intercourse is a topic that in general worries men more than women, obsessed with maintaining their intimate sphere at levels that are considered “normal” according to the social context on which they are based.

“Normal” is a statistical concept that depends on the age of the couple and the years of marriage or cohabitation, as well as other factors, such as the situations that are going through at that time.

In general, relationships that begin to form have a frequency of 1 or 2 times (up to 3) per day. Then, the average drops to about 3 times per week. Gradually, once every 15 days and up to 1 time every 1 or 2 months.

Sexual and loving relationships release chemicals that neurotransmitters take care of synthesizing in the brain. These substances are called endorphins and, specifically, are dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.

Dopamine is a chemical in the central nervous system that activates 5 cell receptors, from D1 to D5. In this way, when one feels infatuation, excitement, the fullness of energy and the fact of seeing life as something magnificent take place.

Dopamine is closely linked to endorphin and adrenaline, so when it is low (you do not have sexual intercourse frequently), endorphins also go down and depression, sadness, and many other neuropsychological pathologies are activated.

But, as with recreational drugs, it is possible that some people begin to look for more frequent relationships in order to raise adrenaline levels so that at the same time, they raise dopamine production levels.

So, what frequency is desired to not fall into these states?

Sexologist in Delhi recommends focusing on the quality of sexual intercourse rather than the amount of them a week or month. The frequency of sexual relations is not more important than the degree of satisfaction that is achieved each time a meeting is held.

The frequency in sexual intercourse does not affect the potency or sexual vigor that an individual may have. Even so, if you don’t have the typical morning erection, you have to start worrying about impending erection problems that will have an impact on the future frequency of sexual intercourse.

Even if you suffer from premature ejaculation, it is useless to have frequent sexual intercourse, if you do not enjoy or do not enjoy the couple.

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