Potency disorder
July 4, 2020
Potency disorder

Potency disorder – what to do?

Twenty years ago, the topic of erectile dysfunction was hardly ever mentioned. In fact, there were significantly fewer people affected than at the time. Prostate cancer was also much less common than it is today. Another phenomenon of our time is the striking decrease in the sperm count of adult men. It is now around 50% lower than 50 years ago. As a result, the birth rate has declined accordingly.

Potency disorders due to dramatic environmental changes

It is obvious that the major changes in the environment over the past 50 years have also affected male fertility.

Exogenous estrogens, which for example get into the groundwater and are also absorbed by the male organism through drinking water, contribute to the feminization of men – as well as many male mammals.

Improper nutrition supports erectile dysfunction

Another reason for the increasingly frequent erectile dysfunction in men is the enormous loss in the quality of today’s foods.

In addition to the depleted soils, which lead to a high mineral loss of the food, the regular consumption of heavily processed foods in the form of ready meals, fast food, etc. stands in the way of strong potency – and thus fertility.

Trans fatty acids, which are processed in margarine, shortening, and all products made from it, such as chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc., also hinder the production of testosterone.

Tocopherol – Vitamin E the fertility vitamin

A nutrient that continues to decrease in modern nutrition is vitamin E.

This vitamin plays an important role in the fertility process – this is clear from the translation from Greek because the scientific name for vitamin E is “tocopherol” and in Greek means “father a child or expect a child”.

This is why this vitamin is also known as a fertility vitamin.

Numerous experiments on animals have shown that vitamin E, which has been used in the form of wheat germ oil, is absolutely necessary to ensure the fertility of the animals.

In further studies, it was clearly proven that extracted or chemically produced vitamin E could not have nearly the same effect as food containing vitamin E, eg vitamin E contained in wheat germ oil.

Vitamin E is usually found in sufficient amounts in whole grains, cold-pressed vegetable oils, egg yolks, butterfat, and dark green vegetables. However, this vitamin is largely destroyed by modern processing.

Eat natural zinc

The trace element zinc is also significantly involved in erectile dysfunction. Zinc fulfills many different functions in the body. It plays key roles in sugar, fat, and protein metabolism and is involved in building up the genetic material and in cell growth.

Omega-3 fatty acids

The holistic foods that contain the important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and the trace elements iron and zinc in a natural combination include omega-3 fatty acids. These are found primarily in high-fat fish.

However, linseed oil is a much better source. Its Omega 3 content is around 50%. Much better because an organic linseed oil ensures the highest possible quality, which is not the case with fish.

Processed foods should be avoided

In the case of erectile dysfunction and prostate problems, all heavily processed foods should be avoided.

Some of them contain oils that have gone rancid as well as a high content of phytic acid, which blocks zinc absorption in the body. Soy products can also be problematic due to their plant estrogens.

These processed foods initially trigger unnoticed inflammation in the body. These inflammations are largely responsible for erectile dysfunction.

Caffeine affects the adrenal glands

Caffeine, which is contained in coffee, tea, non-alcoholic drinks, and chocolate, for example, should also be avoided if possible, since it stresses the adrenal glands and can therefore ultimately have a negative impact on the male potency, says best sexologist in Delhi.