Tag Archives: Best Sexologist in Delhi

sex causes separation

Sex causes separation of some couples

Various problems are the cause of the separation of some couples, one of them is sex since it affects a number of relationships around the world.

Some of the most frequent causes of separation are anchored in intimacy, in the security that each one has and in how they project it to the spouse; in self-love that is reflected in the way of loving, in respect and tolerance for oneself and others.

Sexual problems between couples are caused by two reasons, emotional and physical, with the former influencing the latter.

Unresolved disputes affect emotionally because they cause a lack of libido. In the case of women, it is necessary to be emotionally well with the partner to have a sexual relationship; while men can separate the emotional from the physical and sometimes find in sex the solution to couple problems.

Fears are another important factor in sexual problems, an example of this problem is the fear of not meeting expectations and this emotional aspect directly affects physical performance that can sometimes cause frigidity (it is not that it cannot be enjoyed or that lack of desire, but the absence of all kinds of pleasure in sexual intercourse), erectile dysfunction (difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection), vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa that is usually accompanied by an increase in vaginal discharge.), problems reaching orgasm.

The lack of security of one or both spouses can cause problems of infidelity, addiction to sex, or sexuality (lack of sexual desire).

These are some of the causes that cause problems in couples’ sexual relationships that can lead to divorce.

Above mentioned problems are curable but require specialized treatment. Consult Best Sexologist in Delhi Dr. P K Gupta for treatment of these problems.

Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone: Let’s Understand

“I have low testosterone” is a frequent and growing complaint in the office, although it is not always correct. Decreased testosterone levels can lead to a number of signs and symptoms, such as erectile dysfunction and decreased sexual desire. For this reason, many men go to the best sexologist in Delhi because they believe that their problem is the decrease in testosterone. However, this is not always true.

As explained, erectile dysfunction is multifactorial. Therefore, circulatory, metabolic, neurological, hormonal, medication and psychological etiologies may be involved. Testosterone, then, is a small part that can contribute to erectile dysfunction.

Likewise, the decrease in sexual desire is also related to different etiologies. Among them: depression, post-traumatic stress, kidney failure, coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, STDs and AIDS, eating disorders, erectile dysfunction, dysfunctional partner, couple conflicts, medications and hormonal changes. Therefore, the linear reasoning that decreased sexual desire and erectile dysfunction are synonymous with low testosterone levels, is wrong.

Androgenic Male Aging Disorder

Although subjects of all ages come to the sexologist in Delhi to find out about their testosterone, the patients who most seek information about their hormonal status are middle-aged and elderly. That certainly has a reason. We all age, at least for now. Thus, there are gradual changes in our organism, but at some point they are noticeable, including the disposition for sexual intercourse. Indeed, sexual desire is different and erections are not the same when comparing older men and young people. The sexologist in Delhi will be able to assess and guide what is part of our normal aging and what may possibly be outside of expectations.

Androgenic Male Aging Disorder is a clinical and biochemical syndrome associated with unhealthy male aging. It is characterized by signs and symptoms in multiple organs, in addition to a negative impact on quality of life, resulting from the decrease in serum testosterone levels.

Testosterone throughout life

The healthy aging man has a natural decline in testosterone as the years go by – about 1-2% per year. This drop in hormone levels is not responsible for the worsening of your sexual quality of life. There is a peak in testosterone around 20 years of age and a decrease in its concentration throughout life. In this way, the elderly man gets to have his testosterone levels close to 300ng / dL.

Low Testosterone – What happens?

There is certainly a relationship between testosterone levels and symptoms. As the concentration decreases, the symptoms appear:

Low testosterone, however, is not just about sexual performance. The testicles decrease in size, there may be growth of the breast (gynecomastia), loss of muscle mass and hair loss.

I emphasize the association with obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and physical inactivity. I speak in association and not in cause or effect, as there is a vicious cycle. In such a way, the above diseases lead to low testosterone and this in turn leads to or worsens the first conditions.

I also emphasize that cognitive and psycho-vegetative symptoms may be related to the drop in testosterone. They are: hot flashes, changes in mood, fatigue, irritation, sleep disturbances, depression and decreased cognitive ability.

There is also a decrease in bone mineral density / osteoporosis, and thus, fractures occur with minor trauma. Up to a third of the elderly are believed to have anemia without a clear explanation. In the meantime, observational data suggest a relationship between low testosterone levels and anemia.

What then are the warning signs for Low Testosterone?

Firstly, having the warning signs does not necessarily imply a decline in testosterone. Thus, their presence should lead the patient or health professional to seek other clinical celebrations. In addition, testosterone dosage should be considered.

Are they:

  • Sexual Dysfunction;
  • Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and Metabolic Syndrome;
  • Diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary region, including after treatment with radiotherapy;
  • Chronic use of medications that can affect the normal physiology of testosterone;
  • Moderate and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
  • Infertility;
  • Osteoporosis or fractures with minor impact trauma;
  • Patients with HIV and sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass).

In the hypothalamus-pituitary region there is production and hormones such as GnRH, LH, FSH and prolactin that are involved in the regulation of testosterone, as this is the focus for diseases in that region.

In summary, the decrease in testosterone is a complex phenomenon. Its causes are many and its effects on our organism involve multiple organs. It is related to some problems such as obesity, metabolic syndrome and physical inactivity that generates a vicious cycle. Finally, if the warning signs caught your attention, be sure to see your sexologist in Delhi and receive full attention to your problems.

At what age does a man stop having an Erection

Male Aging And Declining Testosterone

“Several symptoms that occur related to hormonal deficit overlap with the natural aging of man or even diseases prevalent in this population, which makes it a difficult task to accurately distinguish the true cause.”

The man, over the years, suffers a natural aging process of his cells generating countless repercussions in the body, as well as the progressive and slow decline of his hormonal function, especially after 40 years. It is known that the woman when approaching 50 years old, undergoes a stop of her reproductive function and important decline of her hormonal function, called menopause. In the elderly man, these reproductive changes occur slowly and gradually, with more subtle symptoms. This process is called Androgenic Deficiency in Male Aging (DAEM).

The hormone directly linked to reproductive function in men is produced by cells located in the testicles and is called testosterone (the main male androgen hormone). From the age of 40, the decline of testosterone in the body of man is around 1% per year. The term andropause, commonly used to characterize this clinical condition, should not be used, because unlike women, there is no hormonal pause, but its gradual deficit. The correct term is Androgenic Deficiency in Male Aging.

It is estimated that the proportion of individuals over 65 years of age will increase significantly over the next 30 years. Census data show that the number of Americans aged 65 and over will rise from around 40 million today to somewhere around 90 million in the next 30 years. In this context, the prevalence of diseases such as cancer, vascular diseases, and hormonal decline will increase dramatically. Therefore, age is an independent risk factor for dropping testosterone, and monitoring with a sexologist in Delhi is essential for the proper diagnosis and treatment of this condition.


Several symptoms that occur related to hormonal deficit overlap with the natural aging of man or even diseases prevalent in this population, which makes it a difficult task to accurately distinguish the true cause. The main repercussions with the drop in testosterone are decreased libido (sexual desire), erectile dysfunction (difficulty in having/maintaining a penile erection), increased body fat, loss of bone mass (osteoporosis), loss of muscle mass, decreased hair (beard, hair), anemia, depression, and irritability.

Faced with the suspicion of the hormonal decline related to the aging of man, the best sexologist in Delhi, through a complete clinical evaluation and with complementary laboratory tests, when establishing the correct diagnosis, will offer the various treatment options. There is no way to avoid this natural human aging process, but maintaining healthy living habits contributes to the prevention of diseases related to the decrease in testosterone levels.

Testosterone hormone replacement therapy is safe and effective. It is available in injectable and gel presentations for daily application. The medical follow-up of this treatment is very important for the improvement of the man’s quality of life, as it is not exempt from side effects, so it needs to be well indicated.

Is The Lack Of Morning Erections A Concern?

Is The Lack Of Morning Erections A Concern?

Usually, men have multiple erections while sleeping. The process is called nocturnal penile tumescence (TPN) (or “morning erection” in popular terminology), and occurs in men of all ages, including young children. These erections are not caused by sexual stimulation, but they appear to be associated with REM sleep (rapid eye movement).

If a man wakes up during or shortly after a period of REM sleep, he may have a morning erection.

The lack of a morning erection is not necessarily a concern. Sometimes, men wake up at different points in the sleep cycle when an erection does not occur.

Still, morning erections can provide some clues about erectile dysfunction (ED). The ED may have physical and psychological causes. Sometimes physical and psychological factors are involved at the same time.

When a man suspects that he has ED, sexologist doctor in Delhi may ask about morning erections. If he is still suffering from NPT, his erection problems are likely to have a psychological origin, since his physical “plumbing” is still in operation. If he does not have TPN, physical problems can be the root of the problem.

However, morning erections are not the only criteria used to assess erectile dysfunction. Sexologists in Delhi will also consider a man’s medical history, testosterone levels and any medications he takes.

Men who think they do not have morning erections as they used to should mention the situation to the best sexologist in Delhi.


Know The Main Risk Factors For Balanitis

Balanitis is an inflammation of the mucosa that lines the glans (head of the penis). The problem can even extend to the foreskin, which is the skin over the region. In this case, it is a balanoposthitis. The main symptoms are itching, burning or even pain, in addition to a reddish appearance, which may have secretions.

In this post, we will learn more about the condition. Read on!

When does balanitis occur?

The disease is directly related to the hygiene conditions of the penis. This is because of the lack of an adequate cleaning routine promotes the formation of a secretion, composed of dead cells that accumulate in the place. However, there are some factors that can increase a man’s chances of developing the problem.

Individuals who have not been circumcised, for example, are more susceptible to balanitis. The reason is that the skin that covers the glans ends up making hygiene more difficult. Thus, there is a perfect environment to trigger the inflammatory process, since the area becomes warmer, moist and with residues.

On the other hand, people with type 2 diabetes are also more likely to have the disease. In addition, age is a risk factor, since the incidence is higher in men over 40 years. Obesity and previous diagnoses of sexually transmitted diseases are other points of attention, as well as unprotected active sex life.

The use of substances that irritate the glans or allergies due to various products can also trigger inflammation. Therefore, when the first signs appear, the person should see a doctor. The condition may worsen further due to occasional urinary infections.

What are the diagnosis and treatment indicated?

In the clinic, the best sexologist in Delhi will do the clinical test to diagnose the disease through the appearance of the lesions. It will probably be necessary to perform laboratory tests to identify the causative agent of the infection and to be able to direct treatment.

It is worth remembering that inflammation may or may not be associated with an infection and, therefore, this will define which medication is appropriate for the case. The clinical protocol will be indicated to the patient’s partner in order to avoid recurrence.

As the proper hygiene of the region is the main form of prevention, surgery to remove excess skin may be recommended in cases where the narrowing of the foreskin prevents the exposure and correct cleaning of the glans.

As suggested, the best form of prevention is in how a man cleans his sexual organ. Other even more serious problems, like penile cancer, are related to lack of cleanliness.

For correct hygiene, the individual must retract the skin (foreskin) and wash the glans region, ensuring that no residue or secretion remains.

In addition, it is recommended to dry the penis after urinating and to wash it correctly after the sexual act, as well as to consult the specialist in case of suspected abnormalities. These and other cares help the man to maintain health and to avoid balanitis.

Want to know more? I am available to answer any questions you may have and I will be very happy to answer your comments on this matter. Read other articles and learn more about my work as a sexologist in Delhi!

Erectile Dysfunction of Neurological Origin

Erectile Dysfunction of Neurological Origin

Erectile Dysfunction of Neurological Origin has a close relationship with male sexual impotence. The one characterized by a lack of permanent erection.

However, occasional failure does not makeup to develop this disease.

The main cause of this problem is emotional. That affects about 70 percent of cases. The remaining 30 percent represents an organic dysfunction, which can be caused by arterial, hormonal problems. And in a smaller percentage as a result of changes in the anatomy of the male member; As in Peyronie’s disease.

Erection Problems Caused by Nerves

Anxiety is the emotional cause that most blocks the mechanism of an erection. Men may be afraid of failing more than once or feeling inhibited; when they relate to a person who attracts their sentimental attention.

Premature ejaculation may also be responsible for this problem. The fear of ejaculating too quickly, not giving pleasure to the couple, and not achieving ideal penetration. It creates great anxiety, which leads to the inability to have a firm erection during sex.

Other reasons such as stress and economic problems can also contribute to erectile dysfunction. “There is a lot of talk about how people should behave to stimulate desire”

Ideally, it would be to transform the family environment and daily routine, but it’s not an easy task. However, every effort is worthwhile in order to have the desired person at your side.

Also, certain sexologists in Delhi emphasize, that when it comes to sexuality the focus should be emotional. Because it’s part of the intimate relationship between two people. “It is important to establish whether the male member malfunctions and compromises the relationship. Or if it works badly because the relationship is already compromised.”

Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Emotional Disorders

It is common to relate human aging to impotence. In fact, testosterone can decrease in old age; But not at a level that requires replacing it.

According to sexologist in Delhi, aging does not cause a loss in erection or sexual desire. If not it varies the attitude of each individual. A person over the age of 70 may have satisfactory sexual activity. As long as she is healthy optimistic and willing.

The same can apply for young men, who are depressed or sick. “Sexuality has no pattern, just remember that on vacation people enjoy sex more.”

Lovers have not changed; What has changed is the environment and libido profile. It is currently noticeable that sexuality varies at every moment from person to person. It depends on the interpersonal relationship and partly to the quality of life of the human being,” the best sexologist in Delhi explains.

How to Decrease Anxiety and Emotional Discomfort?

If you want to achieve inner peace, the main thing is to forgive the people who once hurt your self-pride and forgive yourself for the actions done. To feel calmer and relaxed as such.

In addition, it’s important to do daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. Applying kegel exercises, accompanied by meditation exercises such as yoga. They can help you fall asleep. Contributing to a better lifestyle.

Eating a balanced diet also helps counteract anxiety. Foods such as: Spinach, celery, chard, beetroot, and asparagus; can be accompanied by fish or chicken. The nutrients of these edibles also encourage better circulation by the high concentration of nitrates.

Nerve-Caused Erection Treatments

The following are 2 treatments for Erectile Dysfunction of Neurological Origin:

1. In case erectile dysfunction occurs due to failure of the nerves that stimulate the male limb. The most appropriate treatment is self-injection.

This treatment involves injecting into the cavernous body a drug that causes vasodilation to the virile limb, favoring the entry of more blood.

It takes immediate effect ten minutes after injection. Causing a satisfying male erection. Self-injection may be applied in diabetics and in men who have had radical prostatectomy. Which is the total removal of the prostate caused by cancer.

2. In certain emotional cases, psychotherapy has also been shown to be effective. When in diabetic men the disease is poorly controlled; There may be radical changes in nerves that stimulate the male limb, causing erectile dysfunction.

Vulva and vagina

Vulva and vagina: know what you can or cannot do with them

The most delicate part of the female anatomy deserves – or rather, it requires! – special care in everyday life to always stay healthy and free from problems such as infections and unwanted secretions. The best sexologist in Delhi provides the list of what is prohibited and what is allowed to do with your vulva and vagina.


Use absorbent daily.

Although many brands have their own versions for daily use, gynecologists do not recommend this practice. Continued use of tampons can smother the vagina and accumulate secretions and sweat, increasing the risk of infections. Breathable ones, that is, without plastic wrap, can only be adopted in extreme cases, such as loss of urine, excessive sweating or excessive vaginal content. Even so, they need to be changed every three or four hours. However, routinely using the tampon on days when a woman does not have a menstrual flow poses risks: as the vaginal environment is hot and humid, it favors the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.

Wash the vagina internally with a shower No way!

No way! The internal showers modify the vaginal pH, change the local flora (a set of microorganisms that live in balance) and favor genital infections, causing secretions. If the vagina has normal and balanced flora, washing it internally can cause foreign bacteria to enter. The ideal, in fact, is to clean only the external area – pubic area, vulva skin, root of the thighs and perianal region – and the so-called intermediate compartment, which includes the interior of the labia majora and the labia minora up to the hymenal membrane. In the internal compartment, sexologists in Delhi recommend washing only the “entrance”, there being no need to introduce any soap or perform internal showers.

Wash the vagina internally with accessories

He recently went viral on the post of a girl sharing that used to wash her vagina and anus with a toothbrush. In no way should women imitate such an attitude. First, because the vagina is “self-cleaning”, that is, it is able to clean all secretions and flaking naturally. Frames candidiasis they may leave some “plates” stuck internally, but you should not introduce any type of accessory to remove them. A vaginal cream prescribed by the gynecologist can solve the problem. What’s more, the vagina is mucous and therefore a thin and delicate area. There is a danger that the brush’s bristles – or any object that is more harsh or sharp – will hurt the inner walls. Not to mention that using the same item – and this is even true for sex toys – in the anus and vagina can cause cross-contamination, since the local bacteria are different.

Use perfumes and sensual indoor cosmetics

The normal vaginal discharge has a slight and almost imperceptible odor. At the end of the day, with sweat, it is common for the smell to become more intense, but this is perfectly natural. Using perfumes to “mask” the original feminine fragrance is quite a step towards an unbalanced pH, resulting in irritations and discharge. On the vulva (outside), talc and possibly deodorant and perfumes can be applied. In the pink part, the vagina, nothing should be used. Gynecologists also recommend avoiding glitter pills, manufactured with the purpose of spreading glitter during penetration, and the so-called Hot Balls, jelly balls for sale in sex shops that melt inside the vagina and promise to cause various sensations, such as heat, cold and ” shocks “. These products can alter the entire local flora.

Introduce food

Playing with food is a recurring fantasy among couples who like to explore the more playful side of sex. However, it is one thing to pour condensed milk or chocolate syrup on your nipples and lick it off. Another, quite different, is to introduce whipped cream, fruit and even champagne bubbles into the vagina. This is a very dangerous practice, as some pieces of food can escape into the vagina, causing secondary contamination. Allergies, burning and pH changes are other possible strains. What’s more, foods that travel only outside the body do not cause problems, but are contaminated by vaginal and perianal bacteria, and can cause damage if digested.

Do vaginal vaporization

The technique of sitting in an herbal vaporizer won many fans after the actress Gwyneth Paltrow declared herself adept at the practice, which, in theory, would serve to tone, sanitize and balance vaginal hormones. It is not for nothing that “Goop”, the series on the star’s well-being on Netflix, has generated so much criticism. There is no scientific evidence on such benefits. Furthermore, if the steam is too hot, the woman may suffer burns. Some gynecologists, especially those with natural therapies, recommend local compresses of iced chamomile tea when there is some irritation in the vulva, but they should not be introduced into the vagina.


Use lubricants

Yes, especially water-based products, which will not make the condom break in contact with the latex. They do not change the flora or the local pH and are excellent in situations of vaginal dryness, such as postpartum, breastfeeding, menopause and diseases that alter hormones, such as endometriosis. However, whatever the case may be, the lack of vaginal lubrication should never be underestimated; therefore, it is always worth seeking the guidance of the gynecologist.

Sleep (and even stay) without panties whenever possible

Yes, for the entire vulvar region to breathe freely. Every woman should abuse skirts, looser pants and pieces with light fabrics. It is essential to avoid spending too much time with excessively glued or tight pieces, such as gym clothes and jeans.

Use wet wipes in emergencies

We emphasize: in emergencies and, preferably, hypoallergenic. However, use only in the external area, without introducing it into the vagina. These tissues, in general, have cellulosic base soaked in mild detergents, with the addition of softening products and pH between 5 and 6, being very useful for hygiene outside the home, long trips, public toilets and menstrual period. Its use, however, should not be abusive: the vulva is very delicate and has a thin protective greasy layer that the scarf ends up removing, which can dry out, irritate, cause itching and discharge. The most suitable is to use for hygiene of the posterior region after evacuation or in situations where daily bathing is not possible.

Wash with intimate soap

Yes, because it has the appropriate pH for the intimate region and is healthier than the conventional one. However, avoid abusing the quantity and introducing it internally — again, the recommendation is to stay only at the “entrance”.

Do specific exercises for the vagina

Under the correct guidance of a gynecologist and/or a pelvic physiotherapist, Kegel exercises (also called “pompoarism”) are excellent for strengthening the pelvic floor area. As benefits, they increase the chances of normal delivery, recover the postpartum region more easily, fight urinary incontinence, prevent bladder fall, favor body awareness, and allow more full and healthy sexuality. The starting point, roughly speaking, is to imitate the contraction that women make in the vagina when they want to hold the pee – that is why this intimate gymnastics requires guidance because done in the wrong way can generate urinary tract infections, among other ailments.

Prefer cotton panties

Cotton is a natural fabric that allows for local ventilation. So it is highly recommended, since humid and warm environments favor fungal and bacterial proliferation. It is not to eliminate the panties produced with lycra from the drawer, but to use them sparingly and on special occasions, as they get very hot.

Potency disorder

Potency disorder – what to do?

Twenty years ago, the topic of erectile dysfunction was hardly ever mentioned. In fact, there were significantly fewer people affected than at the time. Prostate cancer was also much less common than it is today. Another phenomenon of our time is the striking decrease in the sperm count of adult men. It is now around 50% lower than 50 years ago. As a result, the birth rate has declined accordingly.

Potency disorders due to dramatic environmental changes

It is obvious that the major changes in the environment over the past 50 years have also affected male fertility.

Exogenous estrogens, which for example get into the groundwater and are also absorbed by the male organism through drinking water, contribute to the feminization of men – as well as many male mammals.

Improper nutrition supports erectile dysfunction

Another reason for the increasingly frequent erectile dysfunction in men is the enormous loss in the quality of today’s foods.

In addition to the depleted soils, which lead to a high mineral loss of the food, the regular consumption of heavily processed foods in the form of ready meals, fast food, etc. stands in the way of strong potency – and thus fertility.

Trans fatty acids, which are processed in margarine, shortening, and all products made from it, such as chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc., also hinder the production of testosterone.

Tocopherol – Vitamin E the fertility vitamin

A nutrient that continues to decrease in modern nutrition is vitamin E.

This vitamin plays an important role in the fertility process – this is clear from the translation from Greek because the scientific name for vitamin E is “tocopherol” and in Greek means “father a child or expect a child”.

This is why this vitamin is also known as a fertility vitamin.

Numerous experiments on animals have shown that vitamin E, which has been used in the form of wheat germ oil, is absolutely necessary to ensure the fertility of the animals.

In further studies, it was clearly proven that extracted or chemically produced vitamin E could not have nearly the same effect as food containing vitamin E, eg vitamin E contained in wheat germ oil.

Vitamin E is usually found in sufficient amounts in whole grains, cold-pressed vegetable oils, egg yolks, butterfat, and dark green vegetables. However, this vitamin is largely destroyed by modern processing.

Eat natural zinc

The trace element zinc is also significantly involved in erectile dysfunction. Zinc fulfills many different functions in the body. It plays key roles in sugar, fat, and protein metabolism and is involved in building up the genetic material and in cell growth.

Omega-3 fatty acids

The holistic foods that contain the important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and the trace elements iron and zinc in a natural combination include omega-3 fatty acids. These are found primarily in high-fat fish.

However, linseed oil is a much better source. Its Omega 3 content is around 50%. Much better because an organic linseed oil ensures the highest possible quality, which is not the case with fish.

Processed foods should be avoided

In the case of erectile dysfunction and prostate problems, all heavily processed foods should be avoided.

Some of them contain oils that have gone rancid as well as a high content of phytic acid, which blocks zinc absorption in the body. Soy products can also be problematic due to their plant estrogens.

These processed foods initially trigger unnoticed inflammation in the body. These inflammations are largely responsible for erectile dysfunction.

Caffeine affects the adrenal glands

Caffeine, which is contained in coffee, tea, non-alcoholic drinks, and chocolate, for example, should also be avoided if possible, since it stresses the adrenal glands and can therefore ultimately have a negative impact on the male potency, says best sexologist in Delhi.

False start in bed or premature ejaculation

False start in bed, or premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is defined as a disorder involving ejaculation in too fast time than the person interested wishes. According to the best sexologist in Delhi, problems affect even every third man and are most common in people who start sex life.

Dysfunction, which hinders sexual life and does not give satisfaction to both partners, can lead to the breakup of a relationship, depressive mood disorders, unwillingness to bond with someone and have sexual intercourse. In order to be able to assess the severity of the disorder, one had to look for some easy-to-assess parameter that would specifically classify the problem. This is how the term IELT (intravaginal ejaculation delay time) was created – this is the time measured from vaginal penetration to ejaculation. Time below fifteen seconds indicates a serious disorder, between fifteen seconds and one minute, means moderate, between one and two minutes mild.

Causes of premature orgasm

The causes of premature ejaculation are: rare sexual contact (this does not always have to worry – it often happens that the discharge of accumulated sexual tension after a long time manifests itself just as premature ejaculation), masturbation conditions, excessive sensitivity of the glans penis, narcissism or improper attitude to women, neurological disorders, traumatic sexual initiation experiences, urinary tract infections and others. So, as you can see, there are many reasons and often they have a very diverse basis.

Treatment of premature ejaculation

Sexologists in Delhi  Help should be sought from a sexologist doctor in Delhi, sometimes a psychological consultation is required. Pharmacological agents and dietary supplements are often used.

The basic drugs used in premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi include short-acting phosphodiesterase inhibitors. If the problem is caused by excessive sensory sensitivity of the penis glans, special anaesthetics are applied a few minutes before intercourse or specially designed condoms (you can use two condoms at the same time). There is also talk about the positive effects of specially developed masturbation methods – their disadvantage is that the effects come after a long time, and the technique itself requires the regularity and cooperation of both partners.

Sometimes psychotherapy, both individual and partner, is very effective.

There are a whole bunch of quite effective methods that will help fight the problem of premature ejaculation. So if the methods used on your own fail, you should not be afraid to contact a sexologist in Delhi who will examine the problem, find its cause and advise on an effective method of fighting. It is important to seek help quickly so that you do not fall into a vicious cycle of being unable to have intercourse, blaming yourself and giving up the pleasure that a successful partnership can give.

At what age does a man stop having an Erection

At what age does a man stop having an Erection?

As in women, in men, there are a series of changes with age. The so-called 40s crisis is usually the beginning of the changes that become even more acute. This is especially true of male sex life, and therefore many men wonder if male erection loss is a matter of age. In this post, we talk about it.

Age in men’s sexual health

The changes that a man may experience throughout his life can depend on many factors. Among them is physiological and biological. These factors appear around 45 years of age when the male begins to undergo hormonal changes derived from the natural process of aging.

These hormonal changes produce a gradual loss of testosterone, commonly known as andropause. In addition to this, an increase in the size of the prostate known as benign prostatic hyperplasia also begins to occur in many cases.

All these male pathologies, in turn, affect the sexual health of men. For this reason, it is common that from the age of 45 there are also changes in sexual life such as changes in appetite or sexual desire, ejaculation disorders, or erectile dysfunction or impotence. However, this does not happen in all men nor does it happen in the same way.

Sometimes these signs of aging appear later in life, and in fact, most often, both andropause and benign prostatic hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction appear more pronounced around the age of 50 and over.

The most frequent male erection problems

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is the most frequent erection problem among men over 40 years. Among the causes that produce it, we can find organic or physiological factors and psychological factors.

The psychological factors should be treated specifically with a sexologist in Delhi who can provide guidance to both the patient and her partner should have it. In contrast, organic causes tend to have different origins, although some are more prevalent than others. Thus, there are different causes:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. They are the most common cause of erectile dysfunction and refers to all those patients who suffer cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes or cholesterol as well as obesity. These causes have very effective treatments today like shock waves for impotence.
  • Some drugs or medications that produce erectile dysfunction as an adverse effect because they prevent the proper functioning of the male erection. Special reference is made to sleeping pills, antidepressants and even some medications for blood pressure or heart.
  • The andropause and testosterone deficiency can also cause erectile dysfunction but can treat this case without problems.
  • The consumption of alcohol or drugs can produce impotence as well and not only affect the erection but also sexual desire.

In any case, when faced with an erection problem, it is advisable to go to the best sexologist in Delhi to find its cause and its subsequent solution. At Dr. P K Gupta Super Specialty Clinic, we know these pathologies and their treatments very well and, in addition, our sexologist doctor in Delhi is specialized in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, which is why we offer a comprehensive treatment of erectile dysfunction.