What is Impotence
April 4, 2021
What is Impotence

What is Impotence

What is impotence? Explain its treatment as well?

The impotence of not being able to cohabit correctly even after sufficient stress or insufficient tension in the private part can be called impotence. Nowadays it is called erectile dysfunction (lack of right tension) rather than impotence or impotency.

There are four stages in a man’s sex cycle. Libido, adequate tension in the sense, penetration into the female genitalia and extremities. Lack of libido can sometimes result in disturbance of the nervous system, sometimes arousal may decrease. After 65-70 years of age, this problem also arises due to a lack of male hormones. A man gets enough excitement in one state, such as in the morning, while urinating, or during masturbation, but if he does not get excited in another state then this problem will be considered as mental, not physical. This problem is often found, especially in patients with diabetes.

Sugar is a major cause of impotence. In the sex cycle of diabetic patients, libido and peak/ejaculation state remain normal, but private part stress often decreases. Such patients should be under sugar control so that the problem does not escalate. If the decrease in stress persists even after the sugar is under control, then indigenous Viagra may prove to be effective in such a situation. This tablet is available in a quantity of 25, 50, or 100 mg, which should be taken one hour before coitus. This pill proves to be more effective on an empty stomach. This tablet should be taken at least once in twenty-four hours. Many times physical impotence, as well as mental impotence, are also associated. This pill works in both states.

Impotence never comes due to a lack of sperm. Even in case of impotence, it is useless to get sperm tested. The physical causes of impotence are many, such as disturbances in the nerves, lack of male hormones, or fear of failure in the brain once failed. Here, it is important for patients to understand that failure is common. It does not mean the end. For example, if a cricketer hits a double century in the first innings and gets out on zero in the second innings, it does not mean that he can never hit a century later. Such patients can get rid of the problem by increasing their confidence and consultation with a sexologist in Delhi.