Tag Archives: benefits of sex

benefits of sex

2 signs the body gives when it goes too long without sex

Far beyond pleasure, sex plays an important role in maintaining our health.

There are several situations that can cause people to stop having sex. Overwork, lack of disposition, traumas, relationship endings and even personal decisions are just some of them. Regardless of the reasons, when you stop having sex you will notice that certain things can change with regard to our health and attitudes.

Did you know, for example, that a bad mood can be related to sexual abstinence? And it doesn’t stop there: changes such as the appearance of pimples, dry skin and hair loss can also occur. Everybody reacts in a way, my friend.

The fact is that, far beyond pleasure, sex plays an important role in maintaining our health and well-being.

If not, you don’t believe it, just look at what has already been proven about the “side effects” that arise when you don’t have pleasurable sex for a long time:

#1 – LESS SOFT SKIN. Sex increases blood circulation and oxygenation in the body, making a person look much healthier. This is directly reflected in the appearance of the skin. That is, if you spend a long time (months, for example) without having sex, your skin starts to feel dry and less soft.

#2 – INCREASE SEXUAL FANTASIES. Without sex, the body is anxious to have sex and the mind, to try to fulfill this need, ends up working hard on fantasies involving sex.

#3 – ACNE EVERYWHERE. Believe me, sweat from sexual intercourse helps with the facial cleansing process, in addition to reducing stress, which is consequently responsible for keeping pores clean. No wonder they say that “sex is a good mood”.

#4 – INSECURITY. As sex is an activity that improves our self-esteem, its absence implies a greater sense of insecurity in relation to our attitudes. When this insecurity reaches its peak, we can even develop more serious psychological problems, such as depression.

#5 – ANTISOCIALS. Lack of sex can also make us less sociable people. This occurs due to the decrease in the production of endorphins, substances that help maintain a good mood and the desire to be surrounded by people.

#6 – PHYSICAL DISEASES. Do you have frequent headaches, nausea or stomach upsets? This could also be happening because of sexual abstinence. The reason? Lack of sex decreases the production of serotonin and endorphins, which are known to act as natural painkillers.

#7 – THE CHANCES OF DEVELOPING PROSTATE CANCER GROW. Well, my friend, according to data from the American Urological Association, men who have sex frequently reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by 20%. This happens because during ejaculation harmful substances can be eliminated from the prostate. So when men stop having sex, they increase their chances of developing cancer.

#8 – HAIR LOSS AND WEAK NAILS. Sex improves blood circulation and basically makes “everything work as it should”, and this, of course, directly influences the health of your hair and nails. If you start to see more hair on your pillow or notice your nails getting weaker, this could be a sure sign that you need to get laid.

#9 – LACK OF SLEEP. Have you been having a lot of insomnia? Lack of sex could be the reason. Sexual activity causes our body to produce a hormone called oxytocin, which is responsible for balancing our organism so that we have a good night’s sleep. Therefore, the absence of sex can result in difficulty sleeping.

#10 – A LOT OF STRESS. Of course, this is not the only reason for your lack of patience, but in these cases, it happens because during sexual practice we tend to release tension and, without this release, the chances of it accumulating are greater, which causes high peaks of stress. and emotional anxiety.

#11 – IMPAIRED SEMEN. If, on the one hand, the volume of semen can increase after two days without intercourse, after a long time without sex, it runs the risk of decreasing – and, consequently, causing impotence problems.

#12 – LOW IMMUNITY. If you get sick often, lack of sex may be related to this: according to researchers from Wilkes-Barre University, in Pennsylvania, those who have sex at least twice a week have a 40% greater amount of immunoglobulin A, which protects the organism from viral or bacterial invasion through the mucous membranes.