Tag Archives: sex satisfaction

Secrets For More Satisfying Sex

3 Secrets For More Satisfying Sex

These sex secrets do not require special techniques or potions ordered via email, they are mostly simple things you can try at home.

Take care of yourself

Maintaining your body in excellent condition will allow you to enjoy more satisfying sex life. Here are some easy steps to help you get there.

  • Get some exercise. It improves resistance and facilitates blood circulation (necessary for an effective erection). In addition, you will appear fit and more muscular!
  • Eat healthy. Healthy food will help you maintain your weight and also provide you with the fuel you need for daily activities, including sex.
  • Quit smoking. You will improve your health and you will have fresh breath.
  • Seek help to resolve your health problems. If you have sexual health problems, such as low libido, erectile dysfunction, or premature ejaculation, see your sexologist in Delhi. These disorders can be treated. Discovering and treating other health problems, such as sexually transmitted infections (also known as sexually transmitted diseases), nervousness, or blood vessel problems, can also improve your sex life.
  • Take your medication as recommended.

Communicate with your partner

Communication is the key to fulfilling sexuality:

  • Speak. Even if talking about sex makes you uncomfortable at first, it’s worth it.
  • Be honest. If you don’t like something your partner is doing to you, if you’re not comfortable with what’s going on, let them know.
  • Focus on the positive. If your partner is doing something you love, tell them.
  • If you are shy, use non-verbal cues. By moving and making sounds, you can let your partner know how you are feeling without saying a word.
  • Tell your partner what you like in bed and, conversely, find out what they like.
  • Don’t hide an STD. If you have a sexually transmitted infection (also known as a sexually transmitted disease), let your partners know so that they can protect themselves.
  • Do not hide sexual problems. If you are struggling with a sexual problem, be it low libido, erectile dysfunction, or premature ejaculation, talk to your partner. She will understand that she is not responsible for it and you will give her the opportunity to help you.

Good communication will possibly take your sex life and your romantic relationship to new heights.

Shake it baby!

Sex life should be enjoyable! Strangely enough, it’s easy to forget it. Find pleasure in doing some small experiments.

  • Exchange your fantasies. Find out what your partner would like to try in bed, and let them know your own wishes.
  • Add to the wardrobe. Buy your partner’s new underwear or sexy sleepwear.
  • Vary the decor. Try making love in a new, unusual place.
  • Fix a moment. No time to make love? Put it on your calendar. Make an appointment for sex or plan a sexy getaway. Sex doesn’t have to be spontaneous to be good.
  • Dream. Take a few moments during the day to think about sex, it keeps the engine going.