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sexual dysfunction

Sexual Dysfunction – A Silent Killer of Relationship

We call sexual dysfunctions the set of disorders in which psychological and / or physiological problems make it difficult for the person to enjoy their sexual activity as they would like. It is a disorder in some phase of the sexual response – excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution.

Sexual dysfunctions are frequent and it is estimated that 40% of men and women can present them at some point in their lives. The most frequent among women is a lack of interest in sex and arousal problems, and premature ejaculation and impotence appear more frequently among men.

In the diagnosis and treatment of each dysfunction, the sexologist in Delhi analyzes whether the symptoms are primary or secondary, absolute or situational, or if the severity is total or partial.

The physical changes that occur in the four stages of sexual response (excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution) serve as the basis for analyzing at what stage sexual dysfunction occurs.

Thus, when the person is mentally and physically excited, the following physical changes appear:

In women:                                                                                                                                                  In men:





  • Vaginal lubrication
  • Penile erection
  • Clitoral erection
  • Scrotal size increases
  • Swollen lips
  • Increases the size of the testicles




  • Lip coloration
  • Cowper gland discharge
  • Vaginal tightening
  • Prostate gland contraction
  • Vaginal tightening
  • Prostate gland contraction
  • Elevation of the uterus and retraction of the clitoris
  • Terminal vesicle contractions




  • Contractions of the uterus
  • Ejaculation
  • Rhythmic contractions on the orgasmic platform
  • Contractions of the penis, urethra, and sphincter
  • Rectal sphincter contraction
  • Rectal sphincter contraction




  • The uterus and vagina return to their initial state
  • The penis and scrotum recover their initial state

We can classify the dysfunctions related to the sexual response cycle:

  • Disorders of desire
  • Excess
  • Excess
  • Sexual arousal disorder
  • Lack of general excitement
  • Problem of starting an erection
    Problem of maintaining an erection
  • Orgasm disorder
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm
    Lack of orgasm
    orgasm Delayed orgasm
  • Absence of ejaculation
    Premature ejaculation
    Delayed ejaculation
  • Sexual resolution disorder
  • Delayed resolution
  • Others
  • Dyspareunia
    Sexual phobias Socio- sexual
  • Dyspareunia
    Sexual phobias Sexual
    partner anxiety


Among the psychological causes of dysfunctions we find the following factors:

Predisposing factors:

  • Lack of information and sexual formation or inadequate information received.
  • Moral education devalues ​​sexual activity.
  • Insecurity in the psychosexual role.
  • Traumatic sexual experiences.

Precipitating factors:

  • Relationship problems (poor communication, fights, infidelity).
  • The appearance of a sporadic problem (excessive tiredness, alcohol, stressful work or family situation).
  • Organic special moments (after a heart attack, after childbirth, anxiety disorder or depression, etc.).

Maintenance factors:

  • Non-existent or inadequate sexual formation.
  • Anxiety associated with sexual interactions.
  • Inappropriate personal or partner performance in sexual relations.
  • General problems in the couple relationship.
  • Specific fears or phobias.

Physiological causes of dysfunctions:

Diseases or injuries: of the cardiovascular system, endocrine system, genitourinary tract, nervous system.

Effects of drugs: sedatives, antiandrogens, anticholinergics and antiadrenergics, psychotropic.

(The most frequent physical disorders are: diabetes, hypertension, hypogonadism, spinal disorders, etc .; at the drug level they are antihypertensive, antidepressant, alcohol, barbiturate, etc.).

Female sexual dysfunctions:

Hypoactive sexual desire (“sexual apathy”, “lack of sexual desire”, “lack of interest in sex”).
Lack of interest in sex, absence of fantasy, dreams or thoughts of sexual content, difficulty engaging in autoerotic or partner sexual activity.

Aversion to sex
Intense feelings of disgust, displeasure, repulsion or fear of situations of a sexual nature (concrete or thought). Sexual contact is usually avoided.

Sexual arousal disorder
Loss of arousal levels, physical and emotional disconnection from sexual intercourse. Inability to respond to caresses, sexual physiological responses are not experienced.

Orgasmic disorder
Difficulty reaching orgasm after an adequate level of arousal.
Pain during intercourse.

Involuntary contraction of the outer third of the vagina upon penetration.

Sexual dysfunctions due to medical illnesses
Some illnesses can influence sexual functioning due to the physiological alterations they produce or the medication they require; These include: diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, thyroid, endometriosis, vaginal infections.

Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions
The use of some drugs or drugs can affect sexual response.

Male sexual dysfunctions:

Impotence, erectile dysfunction:
Inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient to perform intercourse satisfactorily.

Premature ejaculation:
Inability to exercise voluntary control over the ejaculatory reflex.

Delayed ejaculation:
The man cannot ejaculate due to excessive involuntary control of the ejaculatory reflex.

There is no sensation of pleasure, but the semen does come out.

Pain during intercourse, which can be during or after sexual intercourse.

Erectile Dysfunction of Neurological Origin

Erectile Dysfunction of Neurological Origin

Erectile Dysfunction of Neurological Origin has a close relationship with male sexual impotence. The one characterized by a lack of permanent erection.

However, occasional failure does not makeup to develop this disease.

The main cause of this problem is emotional. That affects about 70 percent of cases. The remaining 30 percent represents an organic dysfunction, which can be caused by arterial, hormonal problems. And in a smaller percentage as a result of changes in the anatomy of the male member; As in Peyronie’s disease.

Erection Problems Caused by Nerves

Anxiety is the emotional cause that most blocks the mechanism of an erection. Men may be afraid of failing more than once or feeling inhibited; when they relate to a person who attracts their sentimental attention.

Premature ejaculation may also be responsible for this problem. The fear of ejaculating too quickly, not giving pleasure to the couple, and not achieving ideal penetration. It creates great anxiety, which leads to the inability to have a firm erection during sex.

Other reasons such as stress and economic problems can also contribute to erectile dysfunction. “There is a lot of talk about how people should behave to stimulate desire”

Ideally, it would be to transform the family environment and daily routine, but it’s not an easy task. However, every effort is worthwhile in order to have the desired person at your side.

Also, certain sexologists in Delhi emphasize, that when it comes to sexuality the focus should be emotional. Because it’s part of the intimate relationship between two people. “It is important to establish whether the male member malfunctions and compromises the relationship. Or if it works badly because the relationship is already compromised.”

Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Emotional Disorders

It is common to relate human aging to impotence. In fact, testosterone can decrease in old age; But not at a level that requires replacing it.

According to sexologist in Delhi, aging does not cause a loss in erection or sexual desire. If not it varies the attitude of each individual. A person over the age of 70 may have satisfactory sexual activity. As long as she is healthy optimistic and willing.

The same can apply for young men, who are depressed or sick. “Sexuality has no pattern, just remember that on vacation people enjoy sex more.”

Lovers have not changed; What has changed is the environment and libido profile. It is currently noticeable that sexuality varies at every moment from person to person. It depends on the interpersonal relationship and partly to the quality of life of the human being,” the best sexologist in Delhi explains.

How to Decrease Anxiety and Emotional Discomfort?

If you want to achieve inner peace, the main thing is to forgive the people who once hurt your self-pride and forgive yourself for the actions done. To feel calmer and relaxed as such.

In addition, it’s important to do daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. Applying kegel exercises, accompanied by meditation exercises such as yoga. They can help you fall asleep. Contributing to a better lifestyle.

Eating a balanced diet also helps counteract anxiety. Foods such as: Spinach, celery, chard, beetroot, and asparagus; can be accompanied by fish or chicken. The nutrients of these edibles also encourage better circulation by the high concentration of nitrates.

Nerve-Caused Erection Treatments

The following are 2 treatments for Erectile Dysfunction of Neurological Origin:

1. In case erectile dysfunction occurs due to failure of the nerves that stimulate the male limb. The most appropriate treatment is self-injection.

This treatment involves injecting into the cavernous body a drug that causes vasodilation to the virile limb, favoring the entry of more blood.

It takes immediate effect ten minutes after injection. Causing a satisfying male erection. Self-injection may be applied in diabetics and in men who have had radical prostatectomy. Which is the total removal of the prostate caused by cancer.

2. In certain emotional cases, psychotherapy has also been shown to be effective. When in diabetic men the disease is poorly controlled; There may be radical changes in nerves that stimulate the male limb, causing erectile dysfunction.

Potency disorder

Potency disorder – what to do?

Twenty years ago, the topic of erectile dysfunction was hardly ever mentioned. In fact, there were significantly fewer people affected than at the time. Prostate cancer was also much less common than it is today. Another phenomenon of our time is the striking decrease in the sperm count of adult men. It is now around 50% lower than 50 years ago. As a result, the birth rate has declined accordingly.

Potency disorders due to dramatic environmental changes

It is obvious that the major changes in the environment over the past 50 years have also affected male fertility.

Exogenous estrogens, which for example get into the groundwater and are also absorbed by the male organism through drinking water, contribute to the feminization of men – as well as many male mammals.

Improper nutrition supports erectile dysfunction

Another reason for the increasingly frequent erectile dysfunction in men is the enormous loss in the quality of today’s foods.

In addition to the depleted soils, which lead to a high mineral loss of the food, the regular consumption of heavily processed foods in the form of ready meals, fast food, etc. stands in the way of strong potency – and thus fertility.

Trans fatty acids, which are processed in margarine, shortening, and all products made from it, such as chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc., also hinder the production of testosterone.

Tocopherol – Vitamin E the fertility vitamin

A nutrient that continues to decrease in modern nutrition is vitamin E.

This vitamin plays an important role in the fertility process – this is clear from the translation from Greek because the scientific name for vitamin E is “tocopherol” and in Greek means “father a child or expect a child”.

This is why this vitamin is also known as a fertility vitamin.

Numerous experiments on animals have shown that vitamin E, which has been used in the form of wheat germ oil, is absolutely necessary to ensure the fertility of the animals.

In further studies, it was clearly proven that extracted or chemically produced vitamin E could not have nearly the same effect as food containing vitamin E, eg vitamin E contained in wheat germ oil.

Vitamin E is usually found in sufficient amounts in whole grains, cold-pressed vegetable oils, egg yolks, butterfat, and dark green vegetables. However, this vitamin is largely destroyed by modern processing.

Eat natural zinc

The trace element zinc is also significantly involved in erectile dysfunction. Zinc fulfills many different functions in the body. It plays key roles in sugar, fat, and protein metabolism and is involved in building up the genetic material and in cell growth.

Omega-3 fatty acids

The holistic foods that contain the important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and the trace elements iron and zinc in a natural combination include omega-3 fatty acids. These are found primarily in high-fat fish.

However, linseed oil is a much better source. Its Omega 3 content is around 50%. Much better because an organic linseed oil ensures the highest possible quality, which is not the case with fish.

Processed foods should be avoided

In the case of erectile dysfunction and prostate problems, all heavily processed foods should be avoided.

Some of them contain oils that have gone rancid as well as a high content of phytic acid, which blocks zinc absorption in the body. Soy products can also be problematic due to their plant estrogens.

These processed foods initially trigger unnoticed inflammation in the body. These inflammations are largely responsible for erectile dysfunction.

Caffeine affects the adrenal glands

Caffeine, which is contained in coffee, tea, non-alcoholic drinks, and chocolate, for example, should also be avoided if possible, since it stresses the adrenal glands and can therefore ultimately have a negative impact on the male potency, says best sexologist in Delhi.

At what age does a man stop having an Erection

At what age does a man stop having an Erection?

As in women, in men, there are a series of changes with age. The so-called 40s crisis is usually the beginning of the changes that become even more acute. This is especially true of male sex life, and therefore many men wonder if male erection loss is a matter of age. In this post, we talk about it.

Age in men’s sexual health

The changes that a man may experience throughout his life can depend on many factors. Among them is physiological and biological. These factors appear around 45 years of age when the male begins to undergo hormonal changes derived from the natural process of aging.

These hormonal changes produce a gradual loss of testosterone, commonly known as andropause. In addition to this, an increase in the size of the prostate known as benign prostatic hyperplasia also begins to occur in many cases.

All these male pathologies, in turn, affect the sexual health of men. For this reason, it is common that from the age of 45 there are also changes in sexual life such as changes in appetite or sexual desire, ejaculation disorders, or erectile dysfunction or impotence. However, this does not happen in all men nor does it happen in the same way.

Sometimes these signs of aging appear later in life, and in fact, most often, both andropause and benign prostatic hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction appear more pronounced around the age of 50 and over.

The most frequent male erection problems

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is the most frequent erection problem among men over 40 years. Among the causes that produce it, we can find organic or physiological factors and psychological factors.

The psychological factors should be treated specifically with a sexologist in Delhi who can provide guidance to both the patient and her partner should have it. In contrast, organic causes tend to have different origins, although some are more prevalent than others. Thus, there are different causes:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. They are the most common cause of erectile dysfunction and refers to all those patients who suffer cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes or cholesterol as well as obesity. These causes have very effective treatments today like shock waves for impotence.
  • Some drugs or medications that produce erectile dysfunction as an adverse effect because they prevent the proper functioning of the male erection. Special reference is made to sleeping pills, antidepressants and even some medications for blood pressure or heart.
  • The andropause and testosterone deficiency can also cause erectile dysfunction but can treat this case without problems.
  • The consumption of alcohol or drugs can produce impotence as well and not only affect the erection but also sexual desire.

In any case, when faced with an erection problem, it is advisable to go to the best sexologist in Delhi to find its cause and its subsequent solution. At Dr. P K Gupta Super Specialty Clinic, we know these pathologies and their treatments very well and, in addition, our sexologist doctor in Delhi is specialized in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, which is why we offer a comprehensive treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Erection Problems During Sex

Erection Problems During Sex

Ouch, my man no longer has confidence in him sexually! What if it was related to erection problems? Indeed, men do not feel successful if their erection is not up to par.

Lack of confidence = erection problems

Nine in ten men believe that a lack of sexual confidence can have a negative effect on non-sexual aspects of their lives.

Indeed, a majority of Indians consider that the lack of sexual confidence leads to a more general lack of confidence.

65% of Indians observe a decrease or even a loss of their insurance after an insufficiently rigid erection during sexual intercourse.

51% experience a decrease in sexual pleasure and 47% are less confident in their life in general.

Erection problems = personal problems

66% of Indians questioned believe that erectile dysfunction represents an inability to obtain and maintain an erection sufficient.

Less than one in two (49%) think that treating erectile dysfunction allows men to live normal lives.

45% think that erectile dysfunction is linked to a depressive state, lack of confidence, or insurance. 13% think that erectile dysfunction is only psychological.

The more I trust myself, the more I satisfy you

Being able to satisfy your sexual partner is most often associated with sexual confidence, for 79% of Indians.

83% of Indian people observe a link between the satisfaction of the sexual partner and sexual confidence.

Erection + orgasm = confidence

For 34% of Indians, this confidence is linked to the orgasm reached with each sexual intercourse.

33% of Indians consider that this sexual confidence is linked to a completely rigid erection.

Erection Problem

Keeping a Good Erection: Everything to Counter Erection Problems

Erectile problems such as impotence affect the majority of men at least once in their life. Often transient, they are caused by physical or psychological factors. What are the different erectile dysfunction and how to counter it?

What is a male erection?

An erection is a reaction of the body due both to a physiological neurological phenomenon, which is therefore triggered by a brain mechanism and to a vascular phenomenon, in other words at the initiative of the blood system. It is a hardening and swelling of the penis due to an abundant flow of blood to the area. Concretely, the corpora cavernosa, the elements that constitute the penis, are engorged with blood, making the penis firm and dilated.

The erection can be triggered by stimulation, arousal, or sexual attraction, but not only. This is, for example, the case for nocturnal erections. It can also take place during the day, caused by a relaxation of the body or certain movements that stimulate the penis.

Erection problems: what are they?

There are several erection related disorders, which usually result in an inability to get an erection. They have different origins, whether physiological or psychic. These disorders are defined by insufficient rigidity of the corpora cavernosa, which keeps the penis in a flaccid state. This state disrupts the course of sexual intercourse and in particular prevents the penetration or practice of certain acts. Similarly, it is possible to have a “soft” erection, that is to say where the penis is not in its state of maximum rigidity.

The origin of erectile dysfunction

Most of the time, erectile dysfunction is of psychological origin: stress, a lack of self-confidence, fatigue, or sadness can counteract arousal and/or prevent an erection.

They can also come from a vascular dysfunction, that is to say at the level of arteries and blood circulation. Indeed, the penis being a highly ribbed area, a problem with blood pressure can have consequences on erection. The same goes for tobacco, alcohol, and diabetes, which influences the arteries. Finally, it can also be a hormonal problem, especially from a certain age. In men, androgen deficiency can appear, which impairs erectile functions.

Techniques to keep your erection

It is quite possible to control your erection to make it last longer while having fun. Indeed, the erection is partly controlled by the mind, by focusing on it, it is possible to maintain it for a relatively long period. This requires knowing your body and your desire well and knowing how to understand your pleasure while maintaining it at a certain level.

Thus, each man has his own technique to control his erection during intercourse. Some think of something else to get the excitement down, others slow the pace of intercourse, etc. It is also possible to change position or opt for a sexual practice that does not involve going back and forth with his penis (unlike penetration), such as cunnilingus. This variation will mark a pause in the movements and slow the rise of excitement in the erogenous zone, says sexologist in Delhi.

Impotence: what to do in the event of a “breakdown”?

As we have seen above, erectile dysfunctions can be transient and are caused by different origins. Thus, heavy consumption of alcohol, heavy fatigue, or a lack of self-confidence can cause what is commonly called a “breakdown”. Impotence is an erectile disorder that prevents men from having an erection or that causes only a partial erection.

In the event of a one-time breakdown, there is no reason to worry about a priori. Relax and try to determine the potential cause of it. On the other hand, if these impotences are repeated, it is preferable to consult a doctor to determine if a neurological or vascular dysfunction is at the origin.

best sexologist in Janakpuri

Sexual Impotence and Prejudice

Sexual impotence is still seen as taboo by many men, who refuse to take the problem and run the matter and experts. But erectile dysfunction is a more common problem than you think and, not always, has its causes related to physical problems. Marital crises, work stress, emotional difficulties, and even the collection itself can hinder male sexual performance, warns the best sexologist in Janakpuri.

The annoyance is even greater when considering the prejudice surrounding the disease. Because of him, many men suffer in silence and fail to ask for help from a friend, someone in the family, and even dismiss doctors. According to a survey, 70% of patients with the problem do not even think about seeking a sexologist in Janakpuri. “Prejudice is our biggest enemy, because the disease, when diagnosed early, is easier to be treated”, says sexologist in Delhi Dr. P K Gupta.

In addition to the difficulty of erection itself, the sexologist doctor in Janakpuri recommends an appointment when there are changes in duration and frequency. The lack of information also makes many men get used to the disease and think that the drugs that cause the erection are enough to solve the problem (when, many times, they just mask the problem). Psychological treatment is often sufficient to resolve cases without the need for medication since men are more confident.

“Only when deciding to deal with the dysfunction, the quality of life of man already improves”, says the best sexologist in Janakpuri. It helps to lessen your doubts by clarifying the main issues surrounding impotence.

Are sexual impotence and erectile dysfunction the same thing?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to maintain an erection that is sufficiently rigid and that lasts as long as necessary to allow sexual intercourse. Impotence is a popular term no longer used by sexologist in Janakpuri.

Does the dysfunction only affect men in old age?

No, although the problem is not common in younger men, it starts to grow in men from the age of 40. It is estimated that up to 30% of men between 40 and 70 years of age suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction. It is worth remembering that all men, at some time in their lives, have difficulty in achieving erections, especially in situations of stress and tiredness, under the influence of alcohol or when diagnosed with a serious illness.

How does the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction happen?

The diagnosis is made from the patient’s clinical history and physical examination. Tests can be ordered, especially for younger patients or those with specific problems. The first visit to the sexologist doctor in Janakpuri is usually the most difficult step. The best sexologist in Janakpuri needs to understand the problem, so it is important that the patient feel comfortable and not hide any information that may affect the treatment.

Is the man who smokes and drinks alcohol frequently in the risk group?

Yes, the use of drugs (both legal and illegal) can lead to erectile dysfunction, because they attack the central nervous system and the circulatory system, responsible for erection.

They also cause a lack of libido and rapid or delayed ejaculation. In the case of cigarettes, chronic use decreases the caliber of blood vessels (size of vessels that constrict or dilate) throughout the body, including the penis, which can lead to the problem.

Is the man who suffers from premature ejaculation more likely to have this dysfunction?

Yes, those who suffer from premature ejaculation (also known as premature or rapid ejaculation) may develop erectile dysfunction in the future, as dissatisfaction with not having adequate sexual intercourse can lead to psychogenic ED. This occurs when no organic problem is identified that could be the cause of erectile dysfunction.

What are the main causes of the disease?

We can mention three aspects that help in the development of the disease, they are: health problems (such as depression, high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure); medicines (some formulas have dysfunction as one of the side effects) and harmful habits, such as drinking and smoking.

Can the problem be cured?

Yes. The drugs available to treat erectile dysfunction, such as vardenafil (active ingredient in Levitra®), have revolutionized the history of treating the disease. There are also intracavernous injections and penile prostheses. Many men who suffer from erectile dysfunction are affected psychologically, even if the cause is of physical origin. Therefore, psychotherapeutic counseling can help you overcome the problem.

Erectile Dysfunction And Alcoholism

Erectile Dysfunction And Alcoholism

Alcoholism will invariably lead to sexual problems within a relationship. For men, this often means difficulty in getting and maintaining an erection even when not drinking.

How can alcoholism cause sexual problems?

Alcoholism is not easy to define, because the definition has to cover several factors: –

  • there are toxic effects of consuming too much alcohol in a short or long time
  • effects that are observed especially in certain tissues: liver, brain and nervous system.

The social consequences of alcoholism must also be taken into account.

For many alcoholics, the disorder of personal life may be evident earlier and maybe more important than the chemical changes that occur within the body.

If either partner is an alcoholic, then sexual difficulties will almost certainly be the consequence of this problem.

For men, it most commonly manifests in the form of erectile dysfunction, which can be present even when the man is awake. Alcoholism has an adverse effect on libido: Alcoholism is present for a long time with various hormonal problems, one of them being the lowering of testosterone. Sexual activity is unlikely to become an attractive activity for any person with a partner in a state of intoxication and this is only one aspect of the couple’s problems that alcoholism brings.

Alcoholism and psychiatric disorders

In addition to the direct effects of alcohol use, many alcoholics have significant psychiatric disorders, the most common being depression.

Many people with depression start using alcohol to feel better and learn later that alcohol doesn’t help them – but drinking can get out of control very quickly.

Older people are a growing section of the population, but loneliness and depression are common and often unrecognized.

Old age and the presence of depression are both closely associated with sexual dysfunction.

How is the treatment of alcoholism affected?

As with alcoholism, erectile dysfunction is underdiagnosed and hidden. For this reason, it is not known how many people are affected by both problems.

Treatment cannot be instituted before all problems are acknowledged. The treatment of erectile dysfunction associated with alcoholism should clearly focus on controlling alcohol consumption, preferably complete cessation of drinking, but chronic alcoholism is very difficult to treat successfully.

It must be diagnosed and treated effectively and any associated depression. For some people, this is the key to stopping alcohol use.

Although treatments for erectile dysfunction, such as drugs or mechanical devices most likely work for alcoholic men, in terms of getting an erection, they can do nothing to repair a relationship destroyed by alcohol consumption. Couple therapy can be an essential part of regaining any form of sexual relationship, says sexologist in Delhi.


Food Recommendations For Impotence

Among the problems involved with erectile dysfunction are the difficulty of communicating about this. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction refuse to discuss this topic because of shame. Therefore, in their lives, there are often problems, as well as in their couple relationships, due to lack of communication and low confidence in their sexual competences.

Among the ways in which erectile dysfunction can be treated include adequate nutrition and diet, but also healthy weight. Foods that have a high content of sugar, fat, and sodium are not recommended.

Also, men who are overweight should lose weight, as being overweight can make blood flow more difficult. When the arteries and veins are blocked by fat and atheroma plaque, the blood does not circulate properly through the body, implicitly even through the penis, which needs proper blood flow to become erectile, says sexologist in Delhi.

Less fat and cholesterol, more fiber and water

One cause of impotence is a high-fat diet. Fat deposits can block blood flow to the penis. Thus, it is advisable to avoid fast food, desserts, cereals, and processed foods. Equally important is to not consume foods with high-fat content, which comes from animals.

  • Fibers– can be assimilated from fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Here are some options: apples (with rind), strawberries, peas, nuts, beans, spaghetti, potatoes, etc. Eating fresh, raw fruits can help the body eliminate much of the fat deposited in the arteries. Fruits lower triglyceride levels, which means that blood levels of fat will also decrease.
  • Water– the body is made up of 75% of the water. Water consumption restores and balances the body. Water helps the fluid flow through the body and is beneficial to everyone. It is a liquid that does not contain sugar or other fattening ingredients.


Sexologist in Delhi says that watermelons help protect against erectile dysfunction through its citrulline content. Citrulline is a phytonutrient that helps relax and widen blood vessels, improving blood flow to the penis. It turns into arginine in the body and arginine releases nitric acid into the blood, which stimulates the relaxation of blood vessels.

To fully benefit from the properties of watermelons, they will not be kept in the fridge until they are cut.

Foods rich in zinc

Foods such as chicken, turkey, peanuts and whole-grain products, yogurt, beef, lamb, salmon, cheese and milk, are excellent sources of zinc.

Some men with erectile dysfunction have low levels of zinc. These can result from long-term use of diuretics, but also as a result of diseases such as diabetes, some of the kidney, liver or digestive disorders. Zinc stimulates testosterone production and improves sperm mobility.


These are some of the best foods that stimulate sexual desire and treat erectile dysfunction. Oysters contain plenty of zinc, and this is one of the most important nutrients needed to successfully perform any sexual activity.

Men who do not consume sufficient amounts of zinc suffer not only from erectile dysfunction, but may also have low sperm count, low testosterone levels, and may lose libido.

Even if it is one of the expensive foods, try to consume them if you want to avoid drugs. If you consume oysters one hour before intercourse you can see the difference.


Papaya is a food suitable for consumption, especially by men who have erectile dysfunction. Papaya contains arginine that increases blood flow to the penis. Arginine stimulates nitric acid in the body and relaxes the muscles around the blood vessels that nourish the penis. These blood vessels dilate and blood circulation is stimulated. A more concentrated form of arginine is found in Viagra, a medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction.


Garlic is another superfood to treat erectile dysfunction. The researchers found that it stimulates the production of hydrogen sulfide, which relaxes arteries and blood vessels. Garlic also contains allicin, known for improving blood circulation. Relaxed arteries and normal blood flow guarantee the end of erectile dysfunction.

Foods rich in vitamin E

Vitamin E-rich foods can be a powerful nutritional arsenal in the fight against erectile dysfunction. Foods such as almonds, broccoli, spinach, mango and wheat germs can help against erectile dysfunction. Vitamin E promotes the healthy functioning of the heart and arteries, proper blood circulation within the body.

Erectile dysfunction can be effectively treated by changing diet and lifestyle. In addition to eating healthy foods, avoid smoking that impedes blood flow through the arteries. Do as much exercise as you can on a regular basis to stimulate blood circulation and maintain heart health.

Other methods by which impotence can be treated

With the exception of changing your diet, there are other simple ways to cure impotence in men. One way to improve your sex life is to exercise as often as possible.

The addition of omega-3 ethyl esters, such as those in fish oil composition, can help lower cholesterol and increase sexual resistance. You can ingest omega-3 by consuming fish, but also some nuts.

Natural supplements, such as those with Ginkgo, can increase blood flow to the genitals. Ginseng increases the vitality and desire for sex and acts as an aphrodisiac.

Researchers have shown that cardiovascular disease can trigger impotence. Talk to your sexologist in Delhi if you suffer from impotence.


The Penis: What Parts It Has And What Are The Main Types

The penis is one of the organs that make up the male reproductive system. There is currently significant social pressure on the size of this member.

Within the male reproductive system or apparatus the penis is the most important organ; At least socially speaking. There are many techniques and methods used to lengthen the male limb, although several of them are not at all effective or beneficial to health.

Likewise, although all penises share the same anatomical parts and functions, not all are equal in size and shape. That is why they are classified into different types.

In the following article, a sexologist in Delhi explains what the penis is, what parts it has and what functions each of them performs, as well as what types of penises exist. Finally, we will check if its elongation is possible and what are the most common methods.

What is the penis?

The penis is an organ of the male reproductive system, and it is also the external organ of the urinary tract. In most cases, this member usually has a flaccid form, and it is until sexual arousal occurs when it enlarges and becomes an erect penis.

In relation to the erection, this occurs because during sexual arousal the internal tissue increases. The latter as a result of the same tissue is filled with blood.

This is how this sexual organ stays hard and makes intercourse possible. When, despite being exposed to supposedly exciting stimuli, an erection is not produced, we talk about a possible erectile dysfunction, which has very different causes, from psychological to physiological.

Finally, ejaculation occurs when a man reaches orgasm and expels semen. This can be triggered by oral sex, intercourse – anal or vaginal – or masturbation. Through the practice of tantric sex, orgasm can be delayed and even occur in the absence of ejaculation. This is also known as “dry orgasm.”

The average size of this organ

The normal penis size, or rather, the average size (the one that most men usually have), ranges between 12 and 16 centimeters during erection. That is, the average penis size, presented by about 80% of men when they have an erect penis is usually between that measure.

However, it should be stressed that in its flaccid form there are many disparities in the measures of this member.

And how much is the maximum that this member can get to measure? Well, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest penis in the world is 48 centimeters and belongs to a Mexican, followed by an American actor and writer with a penis of 34 centimeters.

Parts of the penis and functions

As with any organ, the penis and the male reproductive system are made up of different parts and each one fulfills a certain function. Sexologist in Delhi explains below what these parts and functions are.

Within the male genitals, the human penis is composed of three pillars:

  • two corpora cavernosa that are next to each other, in the superior or dorsal part of the penis.

  • a spongy body, which is on the bottom or on the ventral side of the same member.

These tissues retain arterial blood during sexual arousal and cause an erection to occur.

In addition, the structure of the external male reproductive system is mainly composed of the 5 elements described below:


The glans is a bulbous tissue that is also known as the head of the member since it is at the end of it. It has a high concentration of nerves and that is why it is said to be the most sensitive part of the penis.

In the glans is the opening of the urethra, which is where urine, semen, and pre-seminal fluid come out.

2. Foreskin

The foreskin is a kind of elastic skin that covers and protects the tip of the male reproductive organ in its flaccid state. It retracts during the erection to expose the glans. Circumcised penises do not have this skin because they are operated and removed.

3. Scrotum

The scrotum is located at the base of the penis and is defined as an outer sac that contains within the testicles. Its temperature is usually 3 to 4 ° C (being lower than the temperature of the human body) so that healthy sperm can be produced.

4. Bridle

The frenulum is a part of the foreskin that meets the back of the glans. It is located below the head of the member and has a “V” shape. It is usually a very sensitive part that can even break during intercourse.

5. Trunk

The trunk of the penis extends from the tip of the penis to the area that connects to the abdomen. Inside it is the urethra. There are different shapes, such as curves or straight.

Types of the penis (size and shape)

Like female genitalia, there are many types of male sexual devices, with different shapes and sizes. Each of them is characterized by something in particular, which may be important for a better or worse sexual experience, although not necessarily.

Next, we will see the 8 most common types of penis.

1. Circumcised penis

In this case, the main feature is that the foreskin (the skin that protects the glans) has been removed by an operation. Most men usually have it this way.

As something to highlight about this type of penis is that they are usually quite sensitive because they do not have the foreskin. It is important to stimulate especially the glans in these cases.

2. Without circumcision

Unlike the previous one, the uncircumcised penis has intact the skin that covers the limb. At the time of erection, the foreskin is stretched and can be easily stimulated by raising and lowering this skin.

3. Curved or crooked penis

It has a curved shape, either up, down or to a specific side. It is normally said that it is ideal for stimulating the female G-spot. However, if your curvature is too pronounced it can be somewhat painful during intercourse.

When they are extremely curved they are known as Peyronie’s Syndrome.

4. Micropenis

The micropenis is a physical condition characterized by an abnormally small size of the male sexual member. Approximately its length in its flaccid state is around 2 centimeters. And on the other hand, when it is erect, it does not reach 7 centimeters.

If diagnosed correctly, there are medical treatments for proper management in micropenis cases such as testosterone administration.

5. Thick or fat penis

Obviously the size is not only determined by the length, but also by the width of the member. A thick penis would be one that exceeds 4-5 centimeters.

As with all sizes and types of penis, this is a feature that is known to use can be very pleasant.

6. Big penis

It is not necessary to have a member of 48 centimeters to consider it a large penis. Actually, if it exceeds approximately 16 or 17 centimeters, it can already be considered a large penis.

However, these types can cause problems at the time of sexual intercourse, but with good lubrication, exercises and choosing the indicated positions, they do not have to represent any problem.

7. Small penis

Its size is usually between 8 and 11 centimeters in its erect form. There are some penises that may seem small when they are not in erection and then really increase their size.

Although it is said that size matters, sexual pleasure is not determined by the size of the member, and a small penis can be enjoyed in the same way as one with a larger size.

8. Standard penis

It is a member whose size is that of the average. Its size does not usually vary much when it is erect or when it is flaccid. As stated before, the average is usually between 12 or 16 centimeters.

Penis enlargement treatment in Delhi: How to enlarge?

The increase in member size represents a very important social and cultural concern for many people. The social pressure exerted in relation to masculinity linked to the size of the member is very marked in Western societies.

Even many men suffer psychological problems related to this. Therefore, there are currently different devices and methods to meet this demand. Sexologist in Delhi describes below 5 of the most popular strategies to enlarge the penis:

1. Exercises to enlarge the penis

Stretching exercises are quite used in non-surgical procedures. One of the most popular is jelqing. It is a type of exercise very similar to milking movements. It consists of avoiding compressing the glans for approximately 6 minutes and in the meantime applying heat to the penis.

However, there are no conclusive studies that support this technique. And in addition, adverse effects such as secondary erectile dysfunction or infra pubic pain have been evidenced.

2. Extension devices

It includes the use of different devices, such as extenders or vacuum pumps. In this case, there are also not enough studies to prove its effectiveness. Specifically, in the case of extenders, it has been shown that there could be an increase in penile length in its flaccid state, but not when it was erect.

3. Pseudo-extension methods

It simply consists of modifying the pubic area so that, without changing the actual length of the penis, an optical effect of a larger size is produced. It is achieved by shaving pubic hair and dieting to reduce the volume of fat at the prepubic level.

Putting piercings on the penis can also fall into this category, as it generates a similar effect, and can also produce greater pleasure. Of course, it is very important to do this with the right professional and following all the corresponding care instructions.

4. Use of phytotherapy

It is about consuming vitamin supplements associated with phytotherapy that they say, promotes vasodilation of the corpora cavernosa, increases the production of testosterone, favors elongation, among other things.

However, this practice and products have not been scientifically endorsed, so their benefits have not been proven.

5. Cosmetic surgery

Aesthetic surgery to lengthen the penis can be lengthening or thickening. They are known as “penile cosmetic surgery” and are indicated for a limited number of people. Specifically for those diagnosed with micropenis.

For the rest, it is advisable to receive counseling from a sexologist in Delhi before undergoing such an intervention. This is because, after receiving information about it, as well as after exploring the concerns related to the enlargement of the male limb, approximately 96% of people finally refuse to undergo cosmetic surgery.

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